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(Dosh-דש Ep. 88) (#614) (Squeezing materials.) Using Toothbrushes on Shabbos.
(Squeezing materials.) using Toothbrushes on Shabbos;
(Dosh-דש Ep. 87) (#612) (Squeezing materials.) Using other types of brushes: steel wool, brooms, rubber scraper, etc.
(Squeezing materials.) using other types of brushes: steel wool, brooms, rubber scraper, etc.;
(Dosh-דש Ep. 86) (#610) (Squeezing materials.) How to work with various types of brushes on Shabbos. (E.g., toothbrush, baby bottle brush, etc.)
(Squeezing materials.) how to work with various types of brushes on Shabbos. (E.g., toothbrush, baby bottle brush, etc.);
(Dosh-דש Ep. 85) (#608) (Squeezing materials.) Is one allowed to dry their hair when it's wet on Shabbos.
(Squeezing materials.) is one allowed to dry their hair when it's wet on Shabbos;
(Dosh-דש Ep. 84) (#606) (Squeezing materials.) If one has a beard are they allowed to wash their face on Shabbos?
(Squeezing materials.) if one has a beard are they allowed to wash their face on Shabbos?
(Dosh-דש Ep. 83) (#604) (Squeezing materials.) Understanding the concept of squeezing out human hair, toothbrushes, baby bottle, etc.
(Squeezing materials.) understanding the concept of squeezing out human hair, toothbrushes, baby bottle, etc.;