Latest Episodes
(Tzovei'a-צובע Ep. 8) (#582) Shailos with mixing red and white wine, and mixing tea essence with hot water.
shailos with mixing red and white wine; mixing tea essence with hot water;
(Tzovei'a-צובע Ep. 7) (#580) Interesting practical applications which apply to coloring foods on Shabbos.
interesting practical applications which apply to coloring foods on Shabbos;
(Tzovei'a-צובע Ep. 6) (#578) Coloring in foods ("צביעה באוכלים") - the stringent view of some poskim.
"צביעה באוכלים" (coloring in foods) - the stringent view of some poskim
(Tzovei'a-צובע Ep. 5) (#576) Understanding the concept of "אין צובע באוכלין" (no coloring by food that's eaten).
understanding the concept of "אין צובע באוכלין" (no coloring by food that's eaten)
(Tzovei'a-צובע Ep. 4) (#573) Introduction to "צביעה באוכלים" (coloring foods)
introduction to "צביעה באוכלים" (coloring foods)
(Tzovei'a-צובע Ep. 3) (#571) Temporary coloring; permanent coloring.
temporary coloring; permanent coloring;