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(Koysher-קושר Ep. 8) (#630) Various examples of "קשר של קימא" (knots tied with a permanence).
Various examples of "קשר של קימא" (knots tied with a permanence).
(Koysher-קושר Ep. 7) (#628) How long does a knot have to be tied to be considered a "קשר של קימא". (Knot of permanence).
How long does a knot have to be tied to be considered a "קשר של קימא". (Knot of permanence).
(Koysher-קושר Ep. 6) (#626) Introduction to "קשר של קימא" (the permanent knot).
introduction to "קשר של קימא" (the permanent knot).
(Koysher-קושר Ep. 5) (#624) Various examples of double knots and single knots at the end of a bag.
various examples of double knots and single knots at the end of a bag.
(Koysher-קושר Ep. 4) (#622) Making a double knot; making a knot at the end of a string, bag, etc.
making a double knot; making a knot at the end of a string, bag, etc.
(Koysher-קושר Ep. 3) (#620) Introduction to "קשר אומן" (Craftsman's knot).
introduction to "קשר אומן" (Craftsman's knot);