Latest Episodes
(Kore'a-קורע Ep. 51) (#719) Plastic containers that are sealed with a adhesive label, plus the containers that have a shrink wrap plastic around it.
plastic containers that are sealed with a adhesive label, plus the containers that have a shrink wrap plastic around it;
(Kore'a-קורע Ep. 50) (#718) Fliptop, snap top caps, e.g. ketchup bottles, salad dressing bottles, etc.
fliptop, snap top caps, e.g. ketchup bottles, salad dressing bottles, etc.
(Kore'a-קורע Ep. 49) (#717) How to work with covers on tubes on Shabbos.
how to work with covers on tubes on Shabbos;
(Kore'a-קורע Ep. 48) (#716) Separating string cheese, yogurts, etc.
separating string cheese, yogurts, etc.
(Kore'a-קורע Ep. 47) (#715) Removing stickers from clothing and utensils; removing hanging labels from clothing.
removing stickers from clothing and utensils; removing hanging labels from clothing;
(Kore'a-קורע Ep. 46) (#714) Tearing off plastic tabs on top of cardboard containers.
tearing off plastic tabs on top of cardboard containers;