Latest Episodes
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 29) (#749) How to work with shelving on bookcases and refrigerators.
How to work with shelving on bookcases and refrigerators.
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 28) (#748) Hanging a curtain on hooks, understanding the concept of normal usage of an item.
Hanging a curtain on hooks, understanding the concept of normal usage of an item.
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 27) (#747) Using utensils, items that open and close by folding. (E.g., folding tables, strollers, playpens, folding chairs, etc.)
Using utensils, items that open and close by folding. (E.g., folding tables, strollers, playpens, folding chairs, etc.)
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 26) (#746) How to work with a small utensil when they are attached to the structure of the house.
How to work with a small utensil when they are attached to the structure of the house.
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 25) (#745) Putting thumbtacks into cork back board, brackets for window shades.
putting thumbtacks into cork back board; brackets for window shades;
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 24) (#744) Permanent or not permanent.
permanent or not permanent;