Latest Episodes
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 82) (#802) General chizuk in learning halacha.
general chizuk in learning halacha;
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 81) (#801) Opening boxes with perforated openings, soda can boxes, salt and sugar containers.
opening boxes with perforated openings, soda can boxes, salt and sugar containers;
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 80) (#800) Using whipped cream on Shabbos; opening a lid of a bottle that's very tight; tissue boxes.
using whipped cream on Shabbos; opening a lid of a bottle that's very tight; tissue boxes;
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 79) (#799) Taking out the cork from wine bottles and removing the wrapper from around it.
taking out the cork from wine bottles and removing the wrapper from around it;
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 78) (#798) Using water cooler bottles (usually 5 gallon bottles).
using water cooler bottles (usually 5 gallon bottles);
(Boneh-בונה Ep. 77) (#797) Pull tab rings attached to orange juice containers, grapefruit juice containers, etc. (Making a nice usable opening on Shabbos.)
pull tab rings attached to orange juice containers, grapefruit juice containers, etc. (Making a nice usable opening on Shabbos.);