Latest Episodes
(Kosaiv-כותב Ep. 9) (#397) What to do when there is writing on the edge of pages.
What to do when there is writing on the edge of pages.
(Kosaiv-כותב Ep. 8) (#395) Writing in conjunction with various children's games.
Writing in conjunction with various children's games.
(Kosaiv-כותב Ep. 7) (#393) Writing letters, numbers, images using chocolates, nuts, sugar, salt, licorice, etc.
Writing letters, numbers, images using chocolates, nuts, sugar, salt, licorice, etc.
(Kosaiv-כותב Ep. 6) (#391) Some more important examples of temporary writing, which come up on a weekly Shabbos.
Some more important examples of temporary writing, which come up on a weekly shabbos.
(Kosaiv-כותב Ep. 5) (#389) Writing letters, pictures, symbols, etc. without any permanence.
Writing letters, pictures, symbols, etc. without any permanence.
(Kosaiv-כותב Ep. 4) (#387) Some interesting examples on how the writing and the erasing are almost one.
Some interesting examples on how the writing and the erasing are almost one.