Latest Episodes
(Dosh-דש Ep. 28) (#496) Usage of a kli (instrument designated for squeezing fruits).
Usage of a kli (instrument designated for squeezing fruits).
(Dosh-דש Ep. 27) (#494) Sucking out juices from orange pieces, grapefruit pieces, challah dipped in wine, etc.
Sucking out juices from orange pieces, grapefruit pieces, challah dipped in wine, etc.
(Dosh-דש Ep. 26) (#492) Sucking on grapes and olives.
Sucking on grapes and olives.
(Dosh-דש Ep. 25) (#490) How and when is one allowed to squeeze or suck the juices from fruits straight into one's mouth.
How and when is one allowed to squeeze or suck the juices from fruits straight into one's mouth.
(Dosh-דש Ep. 24) (#488) Cutting and eating all other types of fruits (e.g. oranges, grapefruits, cherries) and what to do with the leftover juices.
Cutting and eating all other types of fruits (e.g. oranges, grapefruits, cherries) and what to do with the leftover juices.
(Dosh-דש Ep. 23) (#486) Is there a way to cut grapes and olives for a fruit salad. Understanding the problem with the juices that flow out of grapes and olives.
Is there a way to cut grapes and olives for a fruit salad. Understanding the problem with the juices that flow out of grapes...