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(Dosh-דש Ep. 52) (#544) (Melting ice.) Various situations to be careful with; more about crushing ice in a liquid with one's hands.
(Melting ice.) various situations to be careful with; more about crushing ice in a liquid with one's hands;
(Dosh-דש Ep. 51) (#542) (Melting ice.) Putting an ice tray under running water; ices; popsicle sticks.
(Melting ice.) putting an ice tray under running water; ices; popsicle sticks;
(Dosh-דש Ep. 50) (#540) (Melting ice.) Other types of necessities (in conjunction with putting frozen liquids and warm areas): child, oneg Shabbos, etc.
(Melting ice.) Other types of necessities (in conjunction with putting frozen liquids and warm areas): child, oneg Shabbos, etc.
(Dosh-דש Ep. 49) (#538) (Melting ice.) Cases of necessity; melting for guests; room temperature that will become warm.
(Melting ice.) cases of necessity; melting for guests; room temperature that will become warm;
(Dosh-דש Ep. 48) (#536) (Melting ice.) Melting ice that is sitting on top of a drink. (E.g. on top of water, orange juice, grape juice, etc.); the difference between putting ice in room temperature or near a warm area.
(Melting ice.) melting ice that is sitting on top of a drink. (E.g. on top of water, orange juice, grape juice, etc.); the difference...
(Dosh-דש Ep. 47) (#534) (Melting ice.) The accepted ruling with putting ice or frozen drinks into a warm area; defrosting dry foods in a warm area.
(Melting ice.) the accepted ruling with putting ice or frozen drinks into a warm area; defrosting dry foods in a warm area;