(Tofer-תופר‎ Ep. 9) (#633) Tightening a strap or string on a hood, sleeve, child's hat, robe, etc.

Episode 9 April 16, 2023 00:09:54
(Tofer-תופר‎ Ep. 9) (#633) Tightening a strap or string on a hood, sleeve, child's hat, robe, etc.
Halachot Shabbat
(Tofer-תופר‎ Ep. 9) (#633) Tightening a strap or string on a hood, sleeve, child's hat, robe, etc.

Apr 16 2023 | 00:09:54


Show Notes

Other Episodes

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mixing gently not vigorously pouring water on sand mayonnaise with large pieces.


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