Latest Episodes

(Gozeiz-גּוֹזֵז Ep. 26) (#1219) Removing Dead Skin, Using a Nail Clipper, and Using a Non-Jew to Cut Nails.
Removing Dead Skin, Using a Nail Clipper, and Using a Non-Jew to Cut Nails;

(Gozeiz-גּוֹזֵז Ep. 25) (#1218) Biting One's Nails and Removing a Broken Nail.
Biting One's Nails and Removing a Broken Nail;

(Gozeiz-גּוֹזֵז Ep. 24) (#1217) How to Handle the Melacha of Borer Regarding Leftover Feathers on Cooked Chicken.
How to Handle the Melacha of Borer Regarding Leftover Feathers on Cooked Chicken;

(Gozeiz-גּוֹזֵז Ep. 23) (#1216) Does the Melacha of Gozez Apply to Feathers on Cooked Chicken?
Does the Melacha of Gozez Apply to Feathers on Cooked Chicken?;

(Gozeiz-גּוֹזֵז Ep. 22) (#1215) Scratching One's Beard, Braiding a Wig (Sheitel), and Making Curls in a Wig (Sheitel).
Scratching One's Beard, Braiding a Wig (Sheitel), and Making Curls in a Wig (Sheitel);

(Gozeiz-גּוֹזֵז Ep. 21) (#1214) Combing or Brushing a Wig (Sheitel).
Combing or Brushing a Wig (Sheitel);